Current Calendar

Alternative Litigation Solutions

Schedule Online

On-Line Scheduling Instructions:

My On-Line scheduling platform allows counsel to effortlessly book a service easily and conveniently:

Step 1: Review my current availability as reflected in the above Calendar:
The above calendar reflects my current availability.  Simply coordinate with all counsel to select a date and time which is convenient to all counsel as well as his/her respective clients.

Note: I make every effort to keep my calendar current and in real-time; however, on occasion, it is possible that other parties book a time that has not yet made it to the calendar.  Similarly, a conflict in scheduling that also has not made it to the calendar may require the selection of a different date or time.  In that circumstance, I will immediately advise accordingly so that we can coordinate an alternate date and time.

Step 2: Choose Someone to Complete the Booking Form:
Because of the limitations of the scheduling platform, only one (1) person can schedule the proceedings.  That person can be anyone (counsel/assistant/secretary/paralegal).  The person booking the proceedings will receive an email confirmation at the conclusion of the booking process.  I will then forward the booking information to all counsel as well as any assistants, secretaries and/or paralegals identified during the booking process.

Step 3: Proceed to book through the booking process:
This is a step-by-step portal which will request various information to schedule the proceedings.

Step 4: Select "Category:"
Here, you will be prompted to select whether the proceedings will be convened either virtually through "Zoom," or "In-Person." 

There is also an option for "not applicable" in the event the requested service does not require a hearing (such as in an "Interpleader/Policy Limits Resolution" where everyone is simply submitting materials for review without the necessity of a hearing/mediation.

Step 5: Select "Service:"
Here, simply select:

"Binding Arbitration" - "Non-Binding Mediation" - "Settlement Day" - "Interpleader/Policy Limits Resolution"

Step 6: Select Date & Time for the Proceedings to begin:

I "typically" convene proceeding beginning at 10:00 am or 2:00 pm.  However, special circumstances or personal preference may dictate a different time to begin the proceedings.  Simply select the time all parties agree to begin the proceedings.

Step 7: Proceed to the "Details" section:

Here, the person booking the proceedings should provide his/her name, phone number, and email address.  In addition, please enter the Caption of the case, and any and all counsel, assistants, secretaries and/or paralegals who should be included in all subsequent correspondence such as "Acknowledgement Letters" and/or "Confirmations." 

Here, there is also a field to identify the anticipated duration for the proceedings (1-2 hours, 2-4 hours, or "full day").

An "Additional Scheduling Details" window is also available, if necessary, to provide any other relevant scheduling information. 

Step 8: Payment:

No payment is due until the conclusion of the proceedings at which time Invoices will be prepared and forwarded to the parties in accordance with any agreement between them as it relates to my retention and services provided.

Final Step: Complete the Booking:

The person booking the service with receive confirmation of the booking, as will I.  Thereafter, I will forward the booking information to all counsel and others identified in the "Details" section.
